The Richest Farmer

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

A Farmer Per Excellence

It has been said that the Roman Empire ran on olive oil. It was used in cooking, bathing, medicine, ceremonies, lamps, and cosmetics. For decades, olive oil from southern Spain was shipped to Rome in large clay jugs called “amphorae”.

Those jugs, not worth sending back, were discarded in a growing heap of broken shards known as Monte Testaccio. The fragments of an estimated 25 million “amphorae” created that man-made hill, which stands today on the bank of the Tiber River in Rome. In the ancient world, the value of those pots was not their beauty but their contents.

Farmers are great people. God made them and crowned them with greatness. The fruit of their labours speaks for them. This blog is created to celebrate wise farmers. Are you a farmer? You worth celebrating! You are unique and deserve to be lifted.